
"There is nothing to fear in life, you just have to understand everything."

-Marie Curie

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."

-Søren Kierkegaard

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the resistance to fear, the mastery of fear."

-Mark Twain


Many people love comfort zones in which processes are routinely repeated. They react to these processes just as routinely. Because they see danger in every change, they prefer to stand still rather than move and make a difference. This is precisely where the greatest danger lies, because if you don’t move yourself, you will be moved, overtaken and run over.

The term “German Angst” stands for a mixture of despondency, hesitancy, fear of the future and an extreme need for security. The individual components of this mixture are based on a lack of knowledge and understanding and prevent us from taking action.

This leads to increasing paralysis and a growing, leaden fear. Another extreme form of fear triggers the flight instinct in us and makes us run headlong in one direction.

 Knowledge and understanding give the flight instinct the right direction.